Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle...

Hello All!
As I type we are all settling into a hotel way, way, way, out in downtown Seattle taking showers and resting. Storms caused the flight out of Atlanta to be delayed for four hours which caused us to miss our connecting flight to Taiwan. The guy who broke the oh so bad news made the delay sound as good as humanly possible but the truth is that we are in Seattle for twenty four hours. Steven talked to our "bad news" breaking friend and he gave us vouchers for free breakfast, as well as pillows and blankets to help us sleep in the airport. EVERY hotel in the area was booked so we pulled a few benches together and slept pretty well all huddled up. Yes we were the sketch-balls dead asleep in the airport and we were not ashamed!  The whole experience was pretty hilarious actually. Everything so far has been an ordeal but God is in control and we are all trusting in Him and His ways. 
pictures to come when we make it. =]
Love, Taylor


gigi said...

Sorry ya'll were delayed! I'm sure there is a purpose. Will be praying for you constantly! We are having a packing party tonight and leaving around lunch friday! Will update soon.
Love you, Regina

Anonymous said...

Hey team! I hope you are having an amazing time getting to know Sura Baya! I am praying for you and thinking about you all the time! Go and tell! :)

Unknown said...

Hey guys! Post me something! I want to hear what is happening. I don't know why you guys would be tired...