Saturday, August 2, 2008

Nasih Goreng, Pecel and Ayam

The terms from the title are all things we have tried to eat while in Surabaya! The university students yesterday served us Pecel-which is a combination of rice, bean sprouts, chicken and green beans. It is covered in a very spicy peanut sauce, and they gave us a chance to practice grinding the peanuts into a sauce-like mixture. Although most of us have liked atleast trying new foods, when we order on our own, we usually try to stick to Nasih Goreng (Fried Rice)...

After meeting some new students yesterday at the university, Taylor and I made plans to eat lunch with two girls. We had some interesting conversations about faith and culture, and I hope that we planted a few seeds. In Indonesia if you ask somebody to go to lunch with you, you are expected to pay--so they paid for our meal! It was really sweet. However, if it is your birthday, then the custom is for YOU to take all of your friends out to eat and YOU pay for them! Quite different from America! So, since it was Erin's birthday yesterday-she treated Stephanie and I to an icecream cone from KFC. (Yes, they have KFC here. The menu is quite different though!)

It has been such an amazing week here. I can't believe we are almost at the end of our stay! EVERYONE is so helpful. I am sure the fact that we are "bule" helps, but I think the people here are genuinely very kind and helpful. They understand the importance of relationships and community! A lot of the hotel staff know a few of us by name, and we are often greeted on the side of the road even if they don't know us. If their indonesian is not very good, they will shout, "Hello Mr.!" (Even to the girls! It is hard not to correct them! Ha!)

We do most of our traveling in taxis, but when we first got here we were able to ride in a "becak". Becaks are the little bikes with seats on the front. I know we weigh so much more than your typical indonesian, but it was really fun to ride in them!

Tonight we are meeting up with some of the Culture Exchange students to see a movie (lift us up as we try nd bridge conversations into conversations about Him!) After we get back, we are leaving at 11:30pm for Mt. Bromo (the volcano) We are driving through the night so we can get to the volcano at sunrise! WE ARE SO EXCITED!

We love you all and miss you dearly!


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